Farewell to Dad VT
The following is what Ken wrote to his colleagues after returning from his dad’s funeral.
Renee and I want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers during the difficult time of my Dad’s funeral. While losing a family member is difficult, my Dad was a man of faith and we have the assurance that he is in a better place. The funeral was a “celebration” of his life. The pastor referred to it as a “life well lived.” All the sons got up and said a few words (which was difficult in itself) but the theme was the legacy that he left us with his faith. My Dad was also a pilot so I got my love for airplanes from him as well! At the cemetery, since my Dad had served in the Army in Korea, they played taps and had the flag ceremony. Military service was another connection that I had with my Dad. While we know these days will be coming or have already come for some of you, one can never quite be prepared for the loss. His memories will always be with us. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.