Cotton Shawl/Alpaca Shawl
I saw this shawl come across on Facebook a while back and it made me want to get back into knitting.

Here’s another version of it.

I searched all over to find out how to finish off the edges like in the photo and finally found a course called Shawlscapes on that gave me a lot of inspiration and knowledge. Since I hadn’t done any knitting in a while I decided to start off with something easy. So I did the basic Boneyard Shawl in some cotton yarn I found in my mom’s stash.
After that I visited my friend, Karen, from Roller Coaster Alpacas and bought wool she had spun from her “babies.” It is a beautiful blend of three different colors.
I made another variation of the Boneyard Shawl. It’s warm and soft and wonderful. Finished shawl is below.