How to get your Christmas cactus to bloom

So last year I bought a Christmas cactus that was already blooming. When it finished blooming it looked pretty sad and I almost threw it away.

But I couldn’t just toss out something that was still alive. So I set it out on the patio table.

It stayed there the rest of the winter. Then spring, summer and fall came and went. I mostly ignored it, giving it small amounts of water every once in a while. It was completely ignored during the heat of the Texas summer.

Amazingly enough I started seeing new growth in November and then buds started coming out in December and now I have blooms.

Christmas cactus
Can’t believe this is MY Christmas cactus!

So how do you get your Christmas cactus to bloom? Just ignore it for the most part and then wait. I can’t wait to see it in full bloom.

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