More Accessories
After riding for almost two weeks, I realized that if something happened to me while riding and I was unconscious no one would know who I was or who to call.
After that I typed up all the important details and I carry that with me now. I thought I might need to stop somewhere when I was out to buy a snack or drink so I might need money and of course I need to have my house key. I used to just go out and leave the back door unlocked.

With all these accessories I need something to carry them all in. Another accessory? Yes, but I was determined not to buy anything else at the time. After looking around the house I found an old fanny pack and decided it would work well. I just wrap it around the stem at the front and it holds everything I need.

You can see that there is something in the pocket of my fanny pack/bike accessory holder.
Dog Repellent!!! I heard a story of a friend who had been out riding and got chased by dogs. It had never occurred to me that dogs would chase me. I sure didn’t want that to happen to me. I might fall and then I would have to call for help. Or I might be knocked unconscious. Then I would actually need all the things I carry with me or I could get some dog repellent.

It says on the back that this spray is used by the U. S. Postal Service. I figured that if it works for them it will work for me. I’ve used it twice so far. The first time was actually on some birds that kept attacking me every time I rode by. Then later on a couple of dogs started to chase me but as soon as I sprayed the first one, they both stopped. I have seen dogs on the road since then and I get my spray out but haven’t needed to use it since. I wonder if these dogs have been sprayed before and don’t want to repeat the experience.