On the road again

I have missed being out on the road for the last ten days.  It was just too hot. 

Today it was only 78° when I started out.  It was great to ride.  I picked one of my favorite routes and thoroughly enjoyed it.

It might be a good time to talk about my bike.

I bought a 24 speed Specialized Sirrus in June.  It has grip shift gears and toe clips.

It also has straight handle bars.  I didn’t want to have to bend over too much to use the drop down handles.  This works for me for now.  If I ever get really serious I may have to upgrade my bike.

I’m a little bit paranoid about not being seen by drivers on the road so I added a rear LED light.  This light wasn’t very expensive and it blinks or strobes.  It makes me feel safer.

flashing LED safety light

That’s also why I picked a white bike.  I figure anything that helps drivers see me is a good thing.

I just have to remember to turn it off after my rides.

Standard seat for Specialized Sirrus bike

The seat is the standard seat that came with it.  It has some cushioning but not a lot.  I was saddle sore for a few days at the beginning.  I’ve spent some time adjusting it up and down a little to get it to feel comfortable.

I’ve really enjoyed this bike so far.  It’s lightweight, shifts easily and gets me where I want to go.

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