Hotter N Hell - 2014 - with the boys

Hotter ‘n Hell 100

How hard could it be? I just completed over 160 miles in three days. In the mountains at 9,000 feet elevation and higher. I was in pretty good shape for me.

Hotter N Hell 2014 morning

Am I crazy? Maybe, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

The first 60 miles were a breeze. But then we turned the corner near Hell’s Gate. It was like riding into a giant hair dryer. I had to gear down like I was going up a mountain. But there was no relief and the heat was just too much.

So after pushing as much as I could I called it a day after 85 miles and rode home in a van.

Hotter N Hell 2014 - after the ride
Hotter N Hell 2014 - With my favorite fan
Hotter N Hell 2014 – With my favorite fan
Hotter N Hell - 2014 - with the boys

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